Get Your Link On High Authority Websites

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Getting quality backlinks can be tough, but there are a few little tricks you can use that work very well. There are two things that most webmasters and marketers love; one is talking about themselves and the second is having others talk highly about them.

It is human nature to like to hear good things being said about you. You can use this to your advantage and get desirable sites to link to your website. It’s easy really, all you have to do is write a glowing review on your blog. You might review the product, the website or the person heading the business.

Don’t make it too cheesy, you want it to be believable and genuine. Don’t make it too obvious that you are just writing it in hopes that they will link to the post, although that is exactly what is motivating you. Give an honest and heartfelt review. It helps if you really have bought and used their product. They are much more likely to give you that coveted link if they know you are indeed a customer.

An unsolicited testimonial is a valuable commodity to any business. A wise business owner knows that word-of-mouth referrals can mean more business for them. Not only will they enjoy the bit of ego stroking you are giving them, but they will recognize the potential business your generous words may generate for them. This just may make them feel like the least they can do is link to your website.

The trick is to not ask for the link. When you email them to let them know you have posted about them on your blog, give them the link to the actual blog post where their review can be read and make sure you include your main domain in the signature of your email. You can be almost certain, they are going to want to share your testimonial with all of their visitors by including the link to the post somewhere within their site.

You can use this method many times, with many sites, but a word of caution; do not make them generic, reuse the same template for them all or make the reviews a “cookie cutter” type of post or it will backfire on you. You can be sure that when they come to check out the review you have written, they will check out your site to learn a bit more about you. If they read identical posts about other businesses with just the names changed, they will discount your review as spam and you will not get the desired results.

Make sure you have lots of other posts that are not business reviews in your site. This will make the website owner feel more special. If you blog daily, then try to do one of these reviews no more than once per week. You don’t want to turn your blog into a review site, unless that was the main intent in the first place.

Give it a try, you will be surprised at how easy it is to get those quality backlinks by just saying something nice about people. As the saying goes, “You attract more bees with honey…”

The post Get Your Link On High Authority Websites appeared first on Bobs SEO Las Vegas.

via Bobs SEO Las Vegas


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