How To Get Quality Backlinks

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Quality backlinks are easy to come by if you are creative and think outside the box when it comes to how you approach a blogger for a link to your site. A wise person once told me, “You can have or use anything anyone else has if you just give them what they want the most in exchange.”

For bloggers, the one thing they need a never ending supply of is good quality content. If you are comfortable with writing articles and blog posts, you can have a never ending supply of quality inbound links just by leveraging what you have to get what you want.

Let’s say you have your eye on a particular site within your niche that has a high page rank and you would really like to put your link on the site. You know that a blog comment has a good chance of being rejected if it is obvious that you are only leaving the comment for the sake of the backlink. Instead, try emailing the site owner and offering to write a couple of articles for them. Tell them that you would be happy to write on any topic they wish in exchange for placing your anchor text link within the article. Make sure you let them know it will be original content and they will have the full rights to it.

This will mean they can post it to article directories if they so choose, but you must stipulate that the article be posted on their blog and your links need to be left intact. They may ask to see a sample of your writing before agreeing so make sure you have a few really killer articles already prepared or already posted on your blog that you can show them as an example of the quality of articles you will be providing for them free of charge.

Most often, a blogger that posts daily on their blog is likely paying for ghostwriters to create content for them. By offering to write a few articles at no charge, you are saving them money so they may very well jump at your offer.

If for some reason they turn you down, be gracious. Tell them that the offer still stands should they ever consider it in the future. You want to keep the channels of communication open because you never know if there will be an opportunity down the road when your site is very well established to possibly joint venture with this site at a later date.

Remember that you can leverage what you have to get quality backlinks, even if you do not think you have anything to offer. Your time is worth money to those who have little time to spare themselves.

The post How To Get Quality Backlinks appeared first on Bobs SEO Las Vegas.

via Bobs SEO Las Vegas


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