SEO Strategy: 5 Don’ts In Keyword Research

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

For business marketers, it is a common fact in their world that in creating their keywords they are to focus on what their business is offering and how they want to be known for to the market. This is a good strategy for every business websites, however, it lacks another important element in order to make your strategy a best one. Good keywords should not just revolve around the business, but rather, it also has to emphasize on the targeted customer. Combine the business marketer and searchers’ perspective, and you’d never go wrong with that SEO strategy.

While marketers cannot accurately predict the exact words every searcher will use when looking for products and services, they will have to use their creativity and foresight in coming up with good keywords. Read on to know more about the don’ts when choosing your keywords.

  1. Do NOT pick single word phrase.

If you want to rank for a set of specific keywords in your industry, choosing single word phrases is absolutely NOT your way to go. Why? Because although these will bring you much traffic, your conversions will be fewer since most of the traffic is untargeted. In most cases, when someone refines his/her query, they usually add words before or after the phrase they have entered. Therefore, aside from your keyword traffic generated, you should also pay attention to your ROI.

  1. Do NOT use broad phrases.

Yes, single keywords can potentially increase your conversion rates, but, that is not the case with broad phrases. Instead of helping you improve your rank, it will only drag you down and mess up your SEO strategy. From the word broad itself, broad phrases are surrounded by ambiguity and will only create confusion as to what your business is ranking for. Understand first what your desired phrase really means and if it coincides with what your targeted customers are looking for then the better. There are two ways that you can avoid this mistake because you may be aware of this one but you’re unconsciously committing this. You could just do a keyword research and take note of what your search engine is showing you when you search for your keywords. Also, don’t forget to consider the terms suggested after you’ve hit search or enter button.

  1. Do NOT go for highly competitive phrases.

In keyword research, you don’t need to go head-to-head with your competitors. Although several business marketers are into competitive phrases because they have high search numbers, some just don’t see what the hype is all about. It’s because these kinds of phrases, albeit attractive and tempting, will require you to used up a lot of your money. What’s more, your chances of ranking is not a guarantee despite the huge money you’ve spent on it due to the ruthless competition.

For you to still achieve great results, you can use some of the competitive phrases but the focal point of your keyword strategy has to be on the not-so-competitive phrases. There are many good keywords out there that are not as competitive but can still help you rank well.

  1. Do NOT use non-geo phrases.

If your business is more specific to a certain geographical location, then stick to the keywords that are relevant to those places. Do not waste your time and effort by using non-geo phrases because those won’t gain you customers at all.

  1. Do NOT use your competitor’s brand names

There’s no use for you to optimize for your competitor’s phrases when consumers are most likely drawn to your brands and not that of your rivals. To further build your brand, create an authoritative page and display your brand in a good light.

The post SEO Strategy: 5 Don’ts In Keyword Research appeared first on Bobs SEO Las Vegas.

Bobs SEO 1930 Village Center Cir #3-557 Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-722-9275


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