Top 5 Digital Marketing Metrics To Watch

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

With the rapidly growing population in the digital world, many small and medium business
owners are now taking their business online. Apart from creating their own company website and
e-commerce store, they have also joined various social media networks, participated in online
forums to market their products, used email marketing and digital marketing tools, and so on.

However, there is one particular issue. While most of the businesses that have turned digital are
displaying growth, many are still yet to measure their progress. So long as their revenues are
high they no longer bother to know where the sales come from, and even more so the satisfaction
levels of their customers.

This one huge mistake can ultimately lead to your online business’ downfall. Not able to measure
your profess also means not knowing you’re doing are right or wrong. Tracking down digital marketing
metrics can help you ward off future mistakes all the while maximizing your efforts in areas that are
proven to be contributing factors to your success.

1. Total Website Visits

You may think that tracking the number of website visitors is something unimportant but it is
actually the only way to know the effectiveness of your traffic generation campaigns. If this
number is growing steadily, then that only means that your traffic strategies are working
properly. If you notice a sudden increase or baffling trough in your monthly visits, then that may
be a sign that something has remarkably changed. When that happens, it’s useful to review your

2. Traffic from individual channels

There are four main traffic sources in digital marketing. First is the direct traffic coming from the
users who look for your brand directly in browsers. Another is organic traffic those that come
from search engines. Third is referral traffic coming via links on other side and lastly, is the
social media traffic those arriving via social media networks. Once you’ve understood the
differences between those four kinds, it is now time for you to determine which of those four are
comprising most of your traffic generation campaign. After you have determined the strongest
and weakest point, you can then make some changes and improvements for the betterment of
your website.

3. New Traffic Vs. Returning Traffic

One great way to know whether your website or blog is garnering attention is by keeping track of
your new traffic and returning traffic. If your returning traffic is higher than new, then more
likely, your recent traffic generation tactics are not working or maybe it could be that your
content is well-written and of high quality. If you’re getting more new visitors with few return
customers, then it may be because your website isn’t memorable or worthy enough to earn return

4. Duration of stay on your website

The time a visitor spent on your website is the most accurate indicator of whether that visitor had
a good time on your website. Ideally, it is better if your visitors stay on your site for at least afew minutes.
If they only stay for a few seconds, then it could mean that your content is poor or that your website is hard to navigate.

5. Interactions per visit

Aside from the time spent by visitors on your website, it is also important to know what part of
your website made them stay, may it be for a couple of seconds or a few minutes. Determine the
pages that they visited and the number of pages they went through before leaving. Additionally,
know what links they clicked and if they filled out some forms. Keeping track of these aspects
will help you improve your site and eventually increase your conversions.

The post Top 5 Digital Marketing Metrics To Watch appeared first on Bobs SEO Las Vegas.


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