Marketing Mediums That Require The Use Of Written Content

Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Essentially, content marketing is mainly about producing and distributing valuable
and interesting content to as many audiences as possible. In fact, at Bobs SEO, we
believe there are so many ways to expose engaging content to the public that small
businesses will always need fresh content.

A small business can get be creative countless times using various
media and distribution channels, but it all boils down to one thing, and that is written

While anyone could argue that reading is already past its peak time considering that
we are now living in a highly digitized world, truth is, it’s the opposite that is actually
true. Simply put, people are now reading more than ever. Sure, there may be lesser
people who still use newspapers or magazine, but this is because most of our readings
are done online.

The web is a vast space where written content is everywhere. Even
seemingly mundane things as reading a blog title or a social media comment already
require reading. Taking into account the rate people consume online content
nowadays, it’s even important than ever for businesses to leverage written content to
keep their audiences happy.


Without a doubt, blogs are the number one medium for written content. According to
a survey, it was revealed that 55% of marketers use blog content as their top content
marketing medium more than avenues. This fact alone is already a definite proof that
blogs are in no way going out of style. In addition, the same survey has also found
that that companies who have published more than 16 blog posts every month have
seen a 3.5 times increase in their traffic compared to companies who only publish at
most 4 blog posts a month. In order to get the most out of blogging, make sure that
you have a robust blogging strategy in place.

Social media

Social media platforms have long since been known as an excellent medium for
distributing written content. Even Instagram, image-based platforms need a written
content. Although pictures can speak a thousand words, it still needs captions. For
instance, Instagram captions contain brief blurbs that will explain your products,
service or your brand’s link to whatever image you’re highlighting. Another social
media platform that requires text-based content is Twitter despite its word count
limitations and LinkedIn for a more professional option for an equally professional


Infographics are also another great medium of content marketing. Just like Instagram,
t focuses mainly on pictures, however, infographics cannot be without pictures.
Elements like captions, heading titles, and facts are all text-based content that greatly
contributes to the value of your infographics. Typically, audiences who don’t want
long-term written content seek for infographics since details are in tidbits, making
them easier to digest.

Videos and Podcasts

Video and podcasts benefit from written content. Even though both do not have a
text-based final product, videos and podcasts are formed from written content. They
need scripts, detailed research, and talking points. Moreover, even videos that only
contains background music as audio are likely to have frames that have written
information in them.

This post Marketing Mediums That Require The Use Of Written Content is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.


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