Why Your Las Vegas Business Still Needs Social Media

Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Somehow, no matter what it happens, small businesses seemed to never run of opportunities. In fact, 78% of Las Vegas business owners claimed that their current financial situation ranges from very or adequately good. However, it’s quite ironic how only 54% of small business owners have plans to increase their online presence. This percentage may already be high enough, but it is not on the same level as those of the those Vegas businesses’ finances and overall cash flow. What’s more, quite a number of these entrepreneurs think that it’s perfectly fine to discontinue being social media as a whole. And so, here are the top three reasons according to us here at Bobs SEO that may convince you why your social media presence still matters as much as it did before.

  • Social media remains to be the widely-used medium of communication

While there’s always optimism when it comes to small businesses, it is still better for them to have more methods for communication with their customer base. Sure, your mailing address, contact number, and email address found on your website are all extremely helpful, but social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are the most common platforms used by your customers when they have a quick question or share praises for your excellent service. They allow your business to easily engage with customers in a timely and more casual manner. You don’t need to be socially active on every platform, just keep a few accounts active where most of your customers are hanging out.

  • Social media platforms are great ways to understand your customers better

If you are still unsure about who your customers are, then the quickest and easiest way to determine this is to frequent on popular social channels like Facebook and Instagram. You may have already heard or read about this method if you’ve been in the industry for a while now. But to those who are thinking of putting a halt to their social media presence, think again because you may be missing out on a great deal of potential leads and possible customers.

  • Social media keeps you a step ahead of your competitors

Small businesses cannot really simulate every tactic of their competitors, however, they can still keep track of the standing of their competition and what they are currently up to. If your competitors are actively engaging with their customers through various social media channels while you’re doing nothing, then they will certainly gain the advantage of having more online presence.

Being active even in just a few social media channels can already help your small business in increasing its visibility in SERPs. Think about how much big help it would be if you can dedicate some of your time to effectively use social media as one of your primary marketing strategies. Pick the channels where your brand can strongly showcase its products or services while still establishing a great relationship with your customer base.

This post Why Your Las Vegas Business Still Needs Social Media is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.


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