4 Smart Ways To Promote A More Prolific Relationship Between Your Marketing And HR Team

Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

While marketing and HR teams can coexist in the same working environment without many conflicts, there never had a moment where these two had a collaborative and prolific relationship. Probably because marketing is focused on getting the company in the front line amongst its competitors, whereas HR is centered on hiring talents, managing employees, stimulating working engagement, and more. In truth, there is no need for these two different teams to collaborate, however, with how things turned out today; it could change the direction of air. By that, we mean with the new and latest trends and technological advancement, it is becoming important for marketing and HR teams to align with each other to help a business gain a competitive edge. Here are some great ways to make this productive collaboration happen.

  1. Alliance of your company’s brand

At first glance, anyone would think that a company’s branding and visibility is solely managed by its marketing time. While this is true, HR, too, does the same thing, albeit, internally through the company’s culture and employees. As a matter of fact, your company’s culture and your company’s brand are basically just on the same boat. As a result, your marketing and HR team should work together in coming up with the message to be shared with your audience, as it should coincide with your company’s culture and employees.

  1. Workforce recruitment via marketing

Your marketing team is tasked to develop a strategy that will win a business pitch the same way as your recruitment team does during your company’s talent acquisition. For instance, LinkedIn, a digital platform is an ideal marketing channel for hiring new people. It allows you to better understand your applicants and narrow down your search to come up with a shortlist of candidates that meet your requirements. Your website is also a great channel to draw in the right candidates, which is handled by your marketing team. Besides, attracting the right candidate ultimately leads to attracting a potential customer or client.

  1. Internal communication

One of the main roles of your HR team is to promote employee engagement in order to keep the workers updated about the company matters and let them feel like they belong. In today’s time, HR teams have so much on their plate that sometimes it becomes hard for them to manage everything, particularly with all the communication they have to facilitate. This is the time where it is convenient and productive for marketing to team up with them as their main job is to deliver key messages to your stakeholders, and internal communication can also be included on it.

  1. Brand ambassadors

Employees are probably a company’s biggest brand ambassadors. Their social media networks alone can already make a huge difference in boosting your brand. Work with your HR team to encourage your internal brand ambassadors to advocate your brand because employee advocacy has high potential in increasing web traffic and leads. This collaboration does not only help market your brand but also generate a large employee engagement.

This post 4 Smart Ways To Promote A More Prolific Relationship Between Your Marketing And HR Team is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.


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