What You Should And Should NOT Do In Your Direct Mail Marketing

Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

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In a digital world, it is natural for companies to not see the value of direct mail marketing campaigns. In fact, the idea of fixing a budget for printing thousands of flyers and postcards may come off as plain crazy and unconventional to a generation who grew up searching the web for everything. Yet, it turns out that direct mail marketing is still the best driver of ROI, even if you par it up against digital marketing. While the business world, or the whole world for that matter, is continually shifting to electronic communication, your brand can still able to get its message across in an impactful and effective manner via direct marketing. And so, here are some things you should and should not do to ensure that you have best direct mail marketing campaign possible.

Implement your campaign with the 40/40/20 rule

Succeeding in your business venture is simpler if you just follow the 40/40/20 rule. This means that the success of your campaign lies in three parts. The first is the people on your mailing list, second is your actual offer, and the third and last are everything else from your postcard design to the copy.

Create a great call to action

The whole purpose of your direct mailings is your call to action so it must stand out among any other aspects. This does not necessarily have to be a discount or special offer. It could advertise everything from a grand opening to a contest. Your postcards should contain the call to action that allows people to purchase from you.

Know your audience

The same way every business there is, your offer is not going to appeal to everyone, so you must ensure that you have the right targeted audience and invest some time in making a great deal. After all, your ultimate goal is to gain new customers, so spending some time on your marketing list and offer are natural parts of the process.

Test out your market

Do not just be contented with the fact that you have made the best deal. Rather, ensure its effectiveness by doing a test run to measure your results. This is especially true if your business is operated in a small community.

Don’t spend too much time on design

While your graphic designer won’t be too happy with this one, it is the truth whether we admit it or not. Don’t go creating the fanciest and most eye-catching design. You must use an equal amount of time on your offer, the copy on the postcard, and the whole design.

Don’t forget to proofread everything

One of the common factors of your business being painted as unprofessional is the presence of typos. For online ads, you can edit out the typos, but once you have mass-produced your postcards, then you can’t easily change them without wasting your money. And so, you must proofread everything. Let your colleagues read it. The more times it was scrutinized, the better.

Don’t forget to follow up

Once your postcards have been delivered and you call to actions have served their purpose, it is now the time for you to take action. By that, I meant tracking coupon codes or postcards that come in. You should also compare your sales figures before your campaign versus the figures after the campaign. If you follow up and track everything, you can determine the success of your campaign.

Don’t overlook the need to get online traffic

Direct mail can be used to strengthen your online traffic. Just ensure that you have included your links to your website, social pages, and request emails for newsletters. Merging your online and offline marketing efforts will help you skyrocket customer engagement.

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This post What You Should And Should NOT Do In Your Direct Mail Marketing is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.


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